Teenagers view images in the media. Images are all around. The statement above is very true. Teens are influenced by everything around them. It actually starts earlier then the teenage years. I think it starts from birth pretty much. I don't think its always from the media though. I think its from the people around us. The people around us weither it be family or friends have a major influence on who we are and who we become. However we do have our own minds and make our own decisions.
One of the videos I chose was from youtube and it is a teenagers responding to the types of images he saw as a child.
I can also say this the shows and programs I watched when I was little are not as funny now. Also the shows that were on when I was little would not be on today. Like Ren and Stimpy Rocco's Modern Life, Roundhouse, and many others.
I like in the video the teen that was saying that you should wear what you want no matter what everyone says. I do think Macklemore is a good example. I think he shows that you can be who you want to be no matter what anyone says. I think if good images are put out in the media as well as bad images they'll have more examples of what to see or what to take in. Its all on what we take in and what we watch. Another thing I want to mention is Hate is not taught. Hate is learned . If hate was not taught like it was then we would be in a more peaceful world although I think that there will always be hate because some people are judgmental and think their view is the right view.